Your success at becoming deeply,

lovingly, and prosperously balanced and self-sustaining is a great gift to the World!

As someone who has been self-employed almost her entire life, and having lived and worked with clients in more than one country and from many different social, economic and ethnic backgrounds, Martha has developed a keen awareness of what it takes to create and run a business that feels authentic while producing what is necessary to feel secure, purposeful and prosperous.

Her personal, practical experience throughout many years as a teacher, a musician and a counselor, combined with her counseling psychology background and the many trainings she has taken to develop her own business, make her an excellent guide for those who are wanting to achieve goals that are realistic, and yet not limiting.

One of the biggest challenges people face who are in business for themselves, and especially creatives and those in the healing arts, is the management of the financial and administrative aspects. Although ceatives and healers are often wonderful at doing their work, they can struggle with understanding how to manage the more “material” aspects of life: time, money, physical energy etc. 

Burnout and financial struggle are difficult to manage, and lead many to throw in the towel and give up on their enterprise. 

Instead, with a bit of well-targeted guidance, you, too, can develop a way of working, earning and living that feels like a good fit for you, and brings you the satisfaction you are longing for.

She is also an expert in how to become aware of, and overcome, the subconscious blocks that we often have running under the surface. This is as important as learning the external tools that can help you build your business, as unconscious patterns of self-sabotage, due to negative beliefs and conditioning that you may not even know are affecting you, requires the help of an experienced counselor and coach to be able to identify and change them. 

When you commit to a cycle of coaching sessions you can make real progress, at a pace that is good for you, towards the development of a business model that can allow you to share your gifts with the world, and build a satisfying and fulfilling life for yourself as you do so.

The world is in great need of creatives and experts in the healing arts who are strong in their ability to love themselves AND their work, and spread their message with confidence and joy.

The old models of the starving artist and the self-sacrificing healer are no longer necessary, and every one of us who learn how to build a truly sustainable lifestyle for ourselves helps to birth a new model of sustainable wellbeing that benefits the entire world, and indeed all of Life.



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Business Coaching Packages and Discounts

Packages and Discounts are available upon request.

Set up your free 15 minute chat today!

If you would like more information and explore whether working with Martha is a food fit for you and your needs, call +1-262-510-4815 or send an email to martha@centerperson to set up a brief chat, at no charge to you!