Systemic Family Constellations for Healing, Growth and Prosperity
The Next In Person Workshop will be held on
March 15, 2025, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
at On Purpose Psyche, 405 E. Forest St. Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Workshops as of February 1 are $50
Pay through the payment button on this page (the “sign me up” button) or contact Martha for other payment options and for a special discount if you pay for 3 or more sessions up front.
More Workshops in 2025:
Saturday May 17, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm Online
Sunday July 27, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm at DJ Mackie Picnic Area, Southern Kettle Moraine Forest, North Prairie, WI
How Family Constellations Workshops Can Help You, Your Family, and Contribute to the Greater Good
Unresolved trauma – meaning painful events that happened in the past and that has been pushed away from our consciousness because we were not equipped to handle the intensity of the emotional pain it caused us – can cause all kinds of problems in the present.
It can block the flow of loving support we need, that nurtures us and makes us strong in our ability to know and love ourselves, to develop healthy relationships with others, and to create the life we truly desire.
It is often at the root of symptoms we know of as depression, anxiety, addictions, chronic relationship issues and even chronic physical illnesses.
Unresolved trauma in our family system, things that happened even in the generations before us, can also have an affect on us today.
This does not mean that either we or our family members are wrong, or bad, for not having been able to process these painful experiences in a healthier way. It is a natural, protective reaction of the psyche to want to push away things that cause us pain, and to deny they have any affect on us in the present.
However, it is my firm belief that humanity is becoming ever more adept at processing trauma, at looking at its damaging effects through time, and at developing tools and approaches to help us integrate it in healthier, more life-affirming ways.
Since many of our most basic survival needs have been met, we are now in a time where we can focus more on developing the quality of our lives, rather than simply on survival.
Freud first formulated his theories on the unconscious at the end of the 19th century, and since that time, there has been exponential growth in our ability to understand how human beings function on not only a physical level, but on the psychological and spiritual ones as well.
Family Constellations is a method developed by a German therapist, Bert Hellinger, and it is an exceptional tool that helps us first be able to See where past trauma – our own, or that experienced by others in our family, including those who went before us – may be affecting us, and how we can begin to resolve it.
As we gain the ability to see these hidden patterns, our increased compassion and understanding has a healing effect on the entanglements often underlying them, and we can also see what we can do to make new internal (thoughts and emotions) and external (actions and behaviors) choices in the now.
Our new understandings and choices help us break free of the patterns that we formerly did not even know were affecting us, and we also create a shift in the energy of the entire “metamorphic field” (Rupert Sheldrake) of the family.
We slowly gain new strength and freedom to move in directions that are more aligned with our Authentic Selves.
This benefits not only those who are on the healing journey, but the entire family system.
This does not mean that the one who is doing the “work” needs to carry the burden of the entire family.
Often, it is those who are most sensitive in family who suffer the most deeply, and who take on the role of the “black sheep”.
At some point they realize they must undertake a healing journey, but they can often feel responsible for healing the whole family, and even for saving those who have hurt them.
In reality, while this excessive responsibility is a natural way that a child attempts to create a bond with their family, to express their love and so they can feel safe and that they belong, it is a form of entanglement that only creates further imbalance.
Family Constellations can help us see not only where personal or intergenerational trauma may be affecting us, but also where we are shouldering too much responsibility for others (aka codependency) in an attempt to create a sense of connectedness with our family system.
Bringing in greater balance for ourselves allows us to create a deeper harmony with taking care of ourselves, and allowing the others in the system to assume responsibility for their own evolution, healing and growth.
With time, this furthers balance and a greater sense of peace and harmony within the family system, and benefits not only the person on the healing journey and their family, but produces positive energies and healthier role models that contribute to the Greater Good in all kinds of fascinating ways.
I look forward to seeing you soon at the group workshops, in person or online, or in an individual session. I have found that this work done individually or in groups, in person or virtually, is truly a powerful tool that can deeply benefit anyone, no matter where you are on your journey. It has brought me personally incredible levels of healing and integration that I have been surprised and profoundly grateful to experience, and I have seen my clients benefit as well.
I feel truly honored and blessed to be able to share it, and I look forward to seeing on this incredible journey!
Sign me up!
Pre-registration is required, as space is limited.
If you have never worked with me before, get in touch so we can have a brief chat before the session to make sure it is a good fit for you.
Click here to send me an email to set up a time for your free 15 minute chat.
Cost per workshop $50.
Prepay before workshop using links on this page, or contact Martha for other payment options.
Sign me up!
Comments from participants in recent Workshops:
Martha was brilliant in her guidance and allowing of the flow of the constellations. I feel so much thankfulness, understanding and awareness after my own constellation and those of the other participants in the group. I am looking forward to our next group meeting and the beautiful atmosphere Martha provides for all! Thank you Martha!
Recently I had an opportunity to explore the Family Constellations Workshop offered by Martha, and my intuition told me to go for it. That was the best decision I had made in some time!
I have never experienced anything quite like this before, but it was amazing after the dust settled and I realized what took place days later. This is a very unique and informative process, not your usual “therapy session”, far from that! I came away conflicted about my own life, but over the next few days following the session I started to think about and feel more comfortable, like you do when you find the right place to put something while you’re organizing your home. I would highly recommend this to anyone for anything family related, it’s one of a kind and very inspirational. Let yourself find the right place for you in your family and how it all works together so everyone wins.
Susan S
I thoroughly enjoyed your workshop! I felt it was powerful to process my relationship with my mother. It was nice to receive an acknowledgement that she put too much responsibility on me and beautiful to hear her apologize for it.
Thank you so much!
I just wanted to thank Martha and the other participants in the recent Family Constellations session!
I have had limited experience with this type of self work and have never gone so deep before. It was an intense experience to say the least! Such an emotional cleansing, I walked out exhausted! (But in a good way).
Thank you again Martha for your skillful guidance as we looked inward.
Registration through email or phone 262-510-4815 in advance of the session you would like to attend is required.
Space is limited – reserve your spot today!
@Martha S. Bache-Wiig/ MBW LifeArt Consulting 2009-2025