Family Constellations Workshops to Restore the Flow of Love

by | Nov 7, 2023

Unresolved trauma can block the flow of love that nurtures us and makes us strong in our ability to know and love ourselves, to develop healthy relationships with others, and to create the life we truly desire.

It is often at the root of symptoms we know of as depression, anxiety, addictions, chronic relationship issues and even chronic physical illnesses. 

Family Constellations can help untangle even intergenerational patterns that keep us frozen in ways of thinking and being that no longer serve us, and bring new strength and freedom to those of us who are suffering and who decide to undertake a process to understand what’s really going on, and thus to heal on  a deeper level.

This benefits not only those who are on the healing journey, but the entire family system.

This does not mean that the one who is doing the “work” needs to carry the burden of the entire family. Often, those who are suffering and realize they must undertake a healing journey feel responsible for healing the whole family, and for saving those who have hurt them, which in reality only creates further imbalance. Family Constellations help us see where we are shouldering too much responsibility, so we can come back into deeper harmony with taking care of ourselves, and allowing the others in the system to assume responsibility for their own evolution, healing and growth.  


Systemic Family Constellations Workshops

Click on the button below to sign up and/or receive more information.

DJ Mackie Picnic area
DJ Mackie Picnic Shelter where the next Family Constellations Workshop with Martha Bache-Wiig will be held
DJ Mackie Picnic Shelter where the next Family Constellations Workshop with Martha Bache-Wiig will be held
DJ Mackie Picnic Shelter where the next Family Constellations Workshop with Martha Bache-Wiig will be held


The next Workshop is on
Saturday, October 26 from 10 am – 12:30 pm 

 At the 

DJ Mackie Picnic Area (as shown above, and you can click here for a map and more pictures)

in the Kettle Moraine State Park, Southern Unit .

Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the beauty of this lovely picnic area after our session, where you can also access the trails for a lovely hike along the Scuppernong trail loop or a section of the Ice Age Trail.

Since we will be in the State Park, if you do not already have a Parks admission sticker you will need to purchase a day pass ($8) at either Pinewoods Campground or Ottawa Lake. I am also happy to take care of that if you get me your information at least one day before the event. 

I will be offering a short experience of Forest Bathing before we begin the Constellations work in the morning. If you are interested in a more extended experience of Forest Bathing in the afternoon, let me know and if there is enough interest we can do that from 2:30-4:00.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Pre-registration is required, and if you have never worked with me before, get in touch so we can have a brief chat before the session to make sure it is a good fit for you.

Click here to send me an email to set up a time for your free 15 minute chat.

The next Workshop will be on Saturday, December 7, 10 am – 12 pm.

(not December 15 as previously announced!!!) 

Location to be announced.

Stay tuned for Workshop Dates in 2025!


Cost per workshop $45.

Prepay before workshop using links on this page, or contact Martha for other payment options. 

For the August 31 workshop, if you would like me to purchase your State Park Day Pass for you, you can either include the $8 fee on your payment or you can bring that to me the day of the event.

The Vehicle fee applies only to the vehicle, not to every single passenger.

Sign me up!


Pay now for just the Workshop – $45 – or for the Workshop plus the daily Park Vehicle fee ($45 + $8 = $53).

Comments from participants in recent Workshops:

Martha was brilliant in her guidance and allowing of the flow of the constellations. I feel so much thankfulness, understanding and awareness after my own constellation and those of the other participants in the group. I am looking forward to our next group meeting and the beautiful atmosphere Martha provides for all! Thank you Martha!
Deb K.

Recently I had an opportunity to explore the Family Constellations Workshop offered by Martha, and my intuition told me to go for it.  That was the best decision I had made in some time!

I have never experienced anything quite like this before, but it was amazing after the dust settled and I realized what took place days later.  This is a very unique and informative process, not your usual “therapy session”, far from that!  I came away conflicted about my own life, but over the next few days following the session I started to think about and feel more comfortable, like you do when you find the right place to put something while you’re organizing your home.  I would highly recommend this to anyone for anything family related, it’s one of a kind and very inspirational.  Let yourself find the right place for you in your family and how it all works together so everyone wins.

 Susan S


My experience with the family constellations group was extremely powerful. I was amazed at how simple yet profound the work is. I left feeling empowered, more free and present to joy! It has shifted my relationship in my family in a positive way. I’m excited to continue with the work. Martha did an excellent job facilitating the energy of the group and the location is beautiful.-
Thank you, Cassidy


I thoroughly enjoyed your workshop! I felt it was powerful to process my relationship with my mother. It was nice to receive an acknowledgement that she put too much responsibility on me and beautiful to hear her apologize for it. 
Thank you so much!

I just wanted to thank Martha and the other participants in the recent Family Constellations session! 
I have had limited experience with this type of self work and have never gone so deep before. It was an intense experience to say the least! Such an emotional cleansing, I walked out exhausted! (But in a good way).
Thank you again Martha for your skillful guidance as we looked inward.

Registration through email or phone 262-510-4815 in advance of the session you would like to attend is required.

Space is limited – reserve your spot today!

Systemic Family Constellations Workshops